Many times around the office talk turns to what one candidate or another has done to stand out of the crowd. Sometimes good, sometimes not. Both are memorable but only one gets a call back. It depends The way you SHOULD stand out really depends on a lot of factors:...
I see a lot of resumes and do a lot of interviews each week. It is pretty evident who is desperate in their job search. I am not saying it is not OK to feel desperate, just don’t let it show. I’m open to anything Many candidate when asked “What are...
Many people view failure as… well… failure. You need to change the way you view failure. Failure – fail·ure, fālyər – a lack of success First notice that it does not say that YOU are a failure. Secondly notice that it did NOT say your will...
I was reading Kristin Wong’s article at LifeHacker: “The Biggest Wastes of Time We Regret When We Get Older” when it hit me… this can have BIG costs in your job search! That’s OK, I’ll get the next one Don’t believe me? Ever...