Let’s talk about compensation… Many people will tell you “the one who mentions compensation first loses.” This assumes that pay is a zero sum game. Personally, I think it is up to the company to mention pay first. It may not mean that they tell you what the...
Does your resume look like a ransom note? Ask a recruiter, they have seen them. The resume from the person that thinks they are being “creative” (yes, that is an appropriate use of quotes) when they put together their resume. There are a multitude of fonts, formats,...
Use your future memory in your job search When I first heard the term “future memory” I as immediately attracted to it as it seems to be an oxymoron. How can you remember the future? Another term for this is “prospective memory” or “automacity.” Many people might...
What are you feeding your brain and your soul? I feel that you can learn a lot about people by finding out what they listen to and read. The other night at a company dinner I overheard our CEO mention he listens to podcasts during his morning workout. I asked him what...
You need a kinetic job search The word kinetic first came up in science class when talking about kinetic energy. But then it came up again in news reports about battles in Afghanistan and Iraq as a “kinetic military action” or a “kinetic battle.” It hit me… that is...