Focus on the positive in your jobsearch

Much of what I read about the employment market is negative. Here are some not-so positive quotes from the web: More Americans than ever before are not working with 92 MILLION people out of the workforce. Job-seekers are taught to grovel and beg for a job. How to deal...

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Follow up

Follow up I am amazed at how few people follow-up after an interview.  Call me old-fashioned but it is nice for someone to take the time (it doesn’t take much) to write a quick email. For some hiring managers or recruiters this may just be...

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Follow up

I am amazed at how few people follow-up after an interview.  Call me old-fashioned but it is nice for someone to take the time (it doesn't take much) to write a quick email. For some hiring managers or recruiters this may just be feeding their ego but there is a very...

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What do we owe others?

What do we owe others? I just listened to the latest episode of the Freakanomics podcast which asks “Should kids payback their parents for raising them?” This is an interesting question in an of its self but what about the people who have...

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What do we owe others?

I just listened to the latest episode of the Freakanomics podcast which asks "Should kids payback their parents for raising them?" This is an interesting question in an of its self but what about the people who have helped shape you professionally?  Don't we owe them...

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Think like a recruiter

One of the tips I give people in their job search is that if they want a recruiter to find them, they need to think like a recruiter.  One of the easiest ways to do this is to participate in some of the free webinars that are offered online.  Many companies including...

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