LinkedIn Profile for your Job search

If you are on social media at all for your job search, the first place you want to start is with LinkedIn.  I recently participated in a webinar hosted by Lisa Rangel of Chameleon Resumes.  I encourage you to participate in one of her free webinars.  If you can afford...

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Networking in your job search

Networking in your job search Networking sounds salesy to a lot of people.  Many people think of some dude name Biff going around handing out business cards for some multi-level marketing deal.  But it should not and does not have to be like...

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Networking in your job search

Networking sounds salesy to a lot of people.  Many people think of some dude name Biff going around handing out business cards for some multi-level marketing deal.  But it should not and does not have to be like that. defines networking this...

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What is your pitch?

What is your pitch? Second only to a resume in your job search is your pitch or what is called your elevator speech.  It should last about as long as an elevator ride, 20-30 seconds.  You need a few of them handy but the two biggest one is...

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What is your pitch?

Second only to a resume in your job search is your pitch or what is called your elevator speech.  It should last about as long as an elevator ride, 20-30 seconds.  You need a few of them handy but the two biggest one is the answer to "Tell me about yourself." What it...

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Making a hit list for your job search

Another quote that rings true in your job search is from Jim Key: "You'll only hit the targets at which you aim."  If you are applying for EVERYTHING you will probably end up with NOTHING.  This is why a lot of people get frustrated in their job search.  They apply...

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