How to stand out as a candidate

I talk to a lot of candidates and I hear their frustration.  I know it sucks looking for a job.  Guess what?  It sucks looking for employees too.  For those of us that are in recruiting for the right reasons it is painful.  I truly want to find someone for each...

Maybe you shouldn’t start looking for another job

I was reading a LinkedIn article by J. T. O’Donnell and some stats she quoted jumped out at me: 72% of workers would rather work for themselves 86% plan to actively look for a new job this year Here is a tip… it you want to work for yourself you...

Have you A/B tested your resume?

If you are not familiar with A B testing it is the latest way that companies determine which version of something people like more.  Here is a brief description of A/B testing.  It is being used EVERYWHERE! Why you need to A/B test your resume Resumes are tough.  You...

Do you want to make a living or do you want to make a life?

You need to ask yourself a lot of questions when you start a job search. What have been my favorite jobs and why? What were my least favorite jobs and why? What are my KSAs and where can I use them? And the list goes on and on…  One question I don’t think...

Prove something to yourself every day

Are you listening to any self-help or performance oriented podcasts?  If so it won’t be long before you will hear something about pushing your comfort zone.  The challenge is, that if you do that long enough then you expanded your comfort zone.  Then you need to...

Science proves Proverbs 11:25 is true

Proverbs 11:25 A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. If you have not listened to Shankar Vedantam’s podcast HiddenBrain then you are missing out.  One of the episodes is on compassion and how being kind to others can make a...