Create FOMO in your job search

One of the best things you can do is to create FOMO in anything you do, including your job search.  Think of it as if you are pitching an Angel Investor on your start-up, you.  Listen to this episode of StartUP from Gimlet.

Many candidates are like Alex when he was talking with Chris Sacca.  They fumble around with their pitch or what many call your “elevator speech.”  You need to write this out and practice it.  You never know when you need to or be able to use it, so be ready.

How to create FOMO:

Be unforgettable, in a good way.  You want the people that meet you to remember you.

Professionalism.  You can be casual and professional at the same time.

Limited availability.  Be sure you ask them about their timeline for the interview process / filling the position.  If the recruiter asks you about your timeline that is a buying sign.

Show interest.  This is a tricky one.  You don’t want to pull the “you don’t mean crap to me” thing you do in dating where you ignore someone to make someone interested but you don’t want to be a stalker either.

Get EVERYONE on your side.  Remember, be nice to everyone you meet.  Many a receptionist or admin assistant has swayed a hiring manager’s decision.

Persistence.  Stay with it.  Don’t forget to follow up with people.  Be sure to do what you tell them you will do.

Keep in mind that your job search is a marathon, not a sprint race.

The Man

My work is a very serious game.
M. C. Escher